Welcome to WordPress Automatic cron job ...
Memory used before running the script: 5.28MB and DB queries count:10

DB contains 18 campaigns
Processing Campaign { 1671 }
Campaign scheduled to process every 1 minutes
last processing was 16 minutes ago
Campaign passed the time and eligible to be processed
Loading:https://www.elbaladsport.com/news<-- 6864 Chars returned
Getting links for XPath://*[@id="contentsWrapper"]/div/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div/a/h3
Failed to get the alleged node, trusting the provided XPath instead
Chosen node dom XPath://*[@id="contentsWrapper"]/div/div[1]/div/div/div[2]/div/a
No links were found
Should get content from feeds
Processing 1 Feeds for this campaign
Exit cron now and complete next cron.
Top memory used: 7.95 MB, current:6.56, DB queries count:33, Time used: 0.225 seconds